Alcohol and drug addiction increases, as the age of start drug use decreases day by day in Turkey as well as in the world. Likewise, other addictions technology and gambling addictions also cause psychological, sociological and economic losses to a person’s own life, families and society in general.
Addiction has a negative impact upon the body of the person and his/her mental and social life. Prevention of addictions, which are regarded as catastrophes for the society, is possible with a suitable public health approach.
Coexistence of solely three below mentioned situations is sufficient to be diagnosed as an addicted which is a psychiatric syndrome.
The physical dependence is a desire for drugs which the body has been developed tolerance for. As for spiritual dependence is being into drugs in order to satisfy his/her needs based on emotions or characters.
Addiction is a serious illness. Many neurochemical and neurophysiological changes has been detected in brain regarding addiction. The treatment for addiction could be possible with a comprehensive protocol which includes particular schemas and principles. When addicted people accept addiction as an illness and obey medical practices due to illnesses, their adaptation to the treatment increases.